Jumat, 23 September 2011

Essence of Scientific Method Thinking

The essence of research include finding ways of completion and the answer of a phenomenon or problem at hand, according to the rules of science, then how to formulateanswers in problem solving and research plays a very important.

The way it basically starts from the processing, presentation and analysis of data already collected. In other words, the available data when processed, presented and analyzed, conclusions should be drawn and a way of resolving the question or the answer.

How to draw conclusions from the results of assessment data such as these can generally be divided into two kinds namely how deductive and inductive wayThe secondway is basically an essential core of scientific thinking that must be owned by any researcher.

There also is a way of deductive keseimpulan is taking on a special keaadaan faced by utilizing the data or knowledge of a general natureWhile the inductive wayconclusions about a situation faced was withdrawn from the data or knowledge of a specific nature.

Example applications of scientific way of thinking through deductive and inductive approach:
Want to know the answer the question why the birth rate in the District of SouthTarogong lower than in Sub Tarogong Kaler in Garut regency of West Java Province,Indonesia.

1. Deductive approach
  • More and more the number of family planning acceptors, the lower the birth rate (data or general knowledge)
  • The number of acceptors of family planning in Sub Tarogong Kidul District Tarogongmore from Kaler (special circumstances faced)
  • Causes of low birth rate in the District of South Tarogong is that the number of family planning acceptors (berifat deductive conclusion)
2. Inductive approach
  • Mother of PKK in the south district Targong more active in the campaign and happylittle family of the PKK District Tarogong Kaler (data or knowledge that is specific todistrict Tarogong Kaler)
  • Causes of low birth rate in the District is to Because Tarogong Kidul PKK was activein the campaign kecll happy and prosperous family (which is inductive inference)

To better understand in depth about the nature of the scientific way of thinking throughdeductive and inductive approaches in this discussion, the authors suggest to do a little exercise, follow the following exercise:

Exercise 1:Give some examples of how manarik conclusions using deductive and inductive methods.1. Deductive method:    a. .......................................................................................    b. .......................................................................................
2. Inductive Method:    a. 

In the deductive method clearly visible presence of two data or knowledge that has been known previously, namely the data or knowledge concerning the relationship between the number of family planning acceptors by low numbers as well as data or knowledge kelairan number of acceptors of family planning in Sub Tarogong Kidul Garut regency.The first knowledge of data called the major premise, while the second is called data or knowledge of the minor premise.

Exercise 2:Write back cntoh draw conclusions with deductive method that had been developed.Now try to determine which one is called the major premise and which is called the minor premise.1. Major premise:
    a. .......................................................................................

2. Minor premise:
    a. .......................................................................................

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